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6 Ways You Can Modify Your Home To Be More Accessible


Are you looking for ways to make your home more accessible? Making your home more accessible is an important step to ensure that everyone in the house can move around and use the space comfortably. Whether it’s a wheelchair user, someone with limited mobility, or just making things easier for elderly visitors, you can make many simple modifications to improve accessibility in your home. Here are 6 ideas to help make your home more accessible for everyone.

Install a Lift

One of the best ways to make a home more accessible is to install a lift. This will provide easy access throughout the house, including between floors and different levels of the house. As highlighted by the team behind StiltzLifts, there are many different types of lifts available that can be tailored to the specific needs of your home. Whether you opt for a residential lift or an external platform lift, it’s one of the best investments you can make when looking to improve accessibility in your home.

Some factors to consider when choosing a lift include the size and weight capacity, the space available in your home,, and how much noise it will produce. Once installed, a lift can provide easy access to every level of the house for everyone who lives there.

Install Ramps

Ramps are an excellent way to ensure that wheelchairs and other mobility aids can easily navigate steps and any raised surfaces throughout your home. When installing ramps, it’s important to consider the gradient, which should be low enough to make climbing easy yet steep enough so that there is no risk of the wheelchair or other aid sliding back down.

You should also ensure that you install handrails on both sides for greater safety and stability. Smaller thresholds can be easily bridged with the installation of an adjustable threshold ramp, while larger ones may require a longer, more permanent ramp solution. You can work with experts to ensure that the ramps are installed to the highest safety standards.

Install Grab Rails

If you have seniors residing in your home, installing grab rails in the bathroom and other areas can be a great way to make your home more accessible. Make sure they are securely fixed so they don’t move or shift when used. Adding grab bars in the shower, bathtub, and near toilets can provide additional stability for those with limited mobility and help reduce the risk of falls and injuries

You can also install grab rails in other parts of the house, such as stairways and hallways, to make it easier to move around independently. Make sure they are strong and securely fixed so everyone can feel safe using them. Besides, check the grab rails regularly to ensure they remain in good condition.

Adjust Doorways

Some doorways may need to be widened to make them more accessible. This could involve removing part of the door frame so wheelchairs, mobility aids, and even elderly users can move through with greater ease. You may also need to remove any existing steps or install a ramp, so the doorway is completely accessible.

Additionally, you can look into installing low-opening doors or automatic sliding doors, which require less strength and effort to open. This will help ensure all doorways in the house are easy to get through, and no need for anyone to struggle unnecessarily.

Replace Carpeting

Carpeting can become a big obstacle for those with limited mobility, making it difficult for wheelchairs and other aids to move around freely in the home. Opting for hard flooring instead, such as timber or tiled floors, can make it much easier to navigate around the home. Make sure you look for slip-resistant flooring, as this will help reduce the risk of falls and injuries.

You can also consider adding tactile markers in areas with hard floors to provide extra traction, especially in high-traffic parts of your home, such as hallways and living rooms. If possible, avoid using rugs and carpets, as these can become a safety hazard.

Ensure Adequate Lighting


Good lighting is essential for those who have limited mobility or vision impairments. Installing brighter bulbs or higher-wattage lights can help ensure that everyone in the home can see clearly and move around easily. You should also place switches in easily accessible areas and make sure all bulbs are easy to replace

In bedrooms, you may want to consider adding nightlights or motion sensor lights. This will help ensure that everyone can safely navigate around the home at night without fear of tripping or stumbling on any obstacles.

Making your home more accessible can provide a safe and comfortable living space for everyone in the family while reducing the risk of falls and injuries. From installing grab rails to widening doorways, replacing carpeting, or ensuring adequate lighting, there are many ways you can modify your home to make it more accessible. Although some modifications may seem daunting, with the right planning and help from experts, you can easily make your home more user-friendly for everyone.

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