They say that you’re not a true adult unless you start obsessing over rugs because most of them are a true pain when it comes to cleaning them. But, once you get the hang of them, you can’t help spending hours at the rug store looking for the perfect one.
However, buying a new, fabulous rug can be rather costly, so why not save a few bucks and make one for yourself? Now you’re probably wondering, how could I possibly pursue such a difficult and time-consuming task on my own? Well, while some of the tutorials in this article may involve projects which take a bit longer to complete, they’re in no way complicated and anyone who sets their mind to creating a rug can make them.
Sometimes all you’ll really need are some old t-shirts or towels and a bit of patience to braid them together. Other times you can paint over them to create patterns, cut them to make the desired shapes, or simply pin together a bunch of felted yarn balls to create your new rug. Don’t worry. As long as you stick to the detailed tutorials, there’s no way you can go wrong.
Without further ado, here’s our suggestion of the top 10 DIY rugs for the day!
Zebra Rug

Are you in constant search of eye-catching rugs but change your mind upon glancing at the price tags? Well, this tutorial may just be the answer to your prayers. You will only need to pay a sixth of the actual cost of a rug like this one, and the satisfaction upon completing your task will be even greater knowing you finally have a fancy rug that didn’t break the bank.
Woven Rag Rug

Now, let’s go over to the less fancy, but in no way less adorable DIY rug. This tutorial teaches you how you can use your old bedsheets to create a rag rug by simply cutting them into strips and joining the strips together. Now you have something to put over your wooden chairs in your backyard so no one complains that the chairs are too hard again.
Chevron Rug

If you’re someone who gets a bit dizzy at the sight of these rugs, we wouldn’t recommend making them. But if you don’t have that problem and have always admired patterns on rugs, then you’ve come to the right place. Follow the instructions from this DIY tutorial and get to work.
Felted Stone Rug

A nice project for people who don’t mind having their patience tested, as this project will definitely take a big portion of your time. However, once everything is done, you’ll get to enjoy it in peace and admiration.
Tip: If you want it to last longer, keep it away from yarn-addicted cats.
T-shirt Shag Rug

When closet meets bathroom, this is what happens – a bath rug made of t-shirt strips sewn onto a hand towel. Pretty genius, right? Since this project is easy to both make and clean and it won’t cost you a penny, you might want to reconsider going to Bed, Bath & Beyond.
Sink Mat Rag Rug

Ahh… We can already hear the sighs of relief at not having to use a sewing machine or needles to make a rug, as all you’ll need are some fabric scraps and a plain sink mat. It may sound boring, but the leniency of this task is what will allow you to catch up on your favorite Netflix show while you’re making your new rug.
Crochet Rug from Repurposed T-shirts

You may be thinking, “There’s no way this rug is made of t-shirts.” Well, with crocheting, anything is possible. It’s actually a lot easier than it looks. All you need to do is stay focused while you’re following the rounds of the tutorial and you’re done.
Braided Rug by Recycling Old Towels

Do you remember when you braided literally anything with strings on it when you were a little girl? Of course, because why stop at just braiding your hair, when there are a bunch of old stained towels just waiting to be braided and repurposed into a bathroom rug?
Pink Geometric Painted Rug

If you’re among the few who actually enjoyed Geometry in class, then you will absolutely love making this project. Using the materials listed in this tutorial you can have a painted rug with any geometrical shape of your preference.
Playful Painted Kids Mat

Did someone complain because they didn’t have enough toys? Refrain from directing the kids’ attention towards technological gadgets, and try making a mat they can draw and play on. Since their imagination is crucial to keeping their attention, involve them in the creation process and watch them as they play for hours. And don’t worry if it doesn’t come out as fancy as those store-bought play mats. Simplicity has never been a part of their worries.
See? It wasn’t as scary as you may have thought at first! We hope we’ve inspired to undertake some of these projects or to come up with a fresh new twist. If so, don’t hesitate to share them in the comment section below. Until next time!