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Top 10 Herbs and Veggies You Can Grow in Water

Growing herbs and veggies at home can be really easy! It will take you just a few minutes for the whole procedure, and you won’t even spend a lot (maybe even not at all).

This is a very good home project, as you will get homegrown products that don’t contain any chemicals.

Below you will find a list of both veggies and herbs that are easy to grow. It’s up to you to pick your favorite and plant it! Cooking will feel way better when you’ll know that the products you use are completely your own.

1. Basil



Basil has so many health benefits – it helps keep our heart healthy. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that fight viruses and infections, to name a few of the benefits.

To grow this herb in water, you need four-inch basil cutting, right below a leaf node. Remove the leaves about two inches from the end – to get the wanted results; the cutting needs to be a piece that hasn’t flowered yet. Place in a jar with water somewhere it can get sunlight and change the water every few days. When the roots get longer than 2 inches, plant them outside.

2. Oregano



One of the most used herbs when it comes to cooking is exactly oregano. It has its own health benefits, and it’s really easy to grow this herb in water. It needs similar conditions as grown outside – an ideal temperature of between 65 -70 F. (18-21 C.) during the day and plenty of sunlight to get all the heat. This is really important because oregano that is grown in containers won’t make it through cold weather, unlike the one grown in the ground.

3. Rosemary



Growing rosemary is really easy to do, and we’re sure that once you try it yourself, you won’t go to the store to buy some. For a successful propagation in water, you need few rosemary cuttings about 6 inches long and trim the leaves off the branch. Place the cuttings in a jar of water, and most likely, you will see the results in about one or two weeks. When the cuttings start rooting, you can plant them outside in the garden or pots or other containers.

4. Parsley



Here’s another of our favorite cooking herbs. It takes just minutes to do the parsley propagating, and the results will be amazing! All you need for this are just a few cuttings – make sure to snip off the bottom of the stems and to keep the leaves dry. The next step is placing the stems into a jar partially filled with water and keep it stored a room temperature or in the fridge. Change the days every few days, or when you notice the water getting discolored.

5. Mint



Growing mint in water also requires few mint cuttings that you can either get from someone who already has a thriving mint or, when buying, reserve a few stems to sprout. When you get your mint stems, cut them off so that you can allow the water to be absorbed easily. Place the stems in a jar with water and position it next to a window or anywhere where it can get sunlight. When it’s warm, it will take days for the roots, and when it’s cold, it might take up to two weeks.

6. Lemon Balm



Planting lemon balm in your home can be great because it is quite useful – the lemon balm is used as a mosquito repellent, and with its sweet, light scent, it is used to add flavor in many recipes and herbal teas. For this, make sure to stem with healthy, new green growth at the tips. Cut off 2 – 3 inches down the stem and remove the lower leaves. Place it in a jar filled with water and change the water every few days.

7. Stevia



Stevia is one of the most popular alternatives to white sugar. You can get it in almost any store or food market, or you can try growing it at home. This also includes rooting stems in water and then planting them in-ground or containers and pots. You can later make the homegrown stevia as a concentrated water-based extract or alcohol-based tincture.

8. Lettuce



To grow lettuce in water, you need to cut off at least 1 inch from the bottom of the purchased lettuce. Place it in a dish filled with water, about 1/2 inches, and make sure to place it near a window or anywhere where it would get enough sunlight. Change the dish’s water every 1 – 2 days, and soon it will start getting new roots. After 10 – 12 days, the lettuce will reach its size, and don’t expect it to be a full head of lettuce!

9. Celery



To grow your own celery, first cut off the stalks from the bottom and make sure to leave a 2 – inch stub. Rinse it off and place it in a shallow dish of water. Leave it like this for about a week, but change the water every day. A week later, when you notice its roots, you can plant them in the garden. Celery grows the best in rich soil, but if you don’t have a garden with these conditions, you can grow it in a flowerpot.

10. Spinach



Growing spinach at home is also very easy. First, take a cutting and make sure that the cut end is moist. Dip it into a rooting agent and then place it into a container filled with water. About ten days later, you will have grown cuttings ready to be transferred into the garden. Homemade veggies are definitely way easy to grow, and you will know that there are no chemicals in them for sure!

EXTRA: Carrot Tops



Carrot tops are looking really cute, aren’t they? Plus, they will also make any salad look cuter! To grow them in water, you will need to cut the top of an ordinary grocery store carrot and get one inch of the root. Stick a toothpick into each side of the carrot stump and make sure to balance it on top of a small glass. Make sure to use old glass because it will get mineral stains. Fill it with water, barely touching the bottom of the stump.

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