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Common Types of Premises Liability Claims

Have you ever wondered what happens if you are seriously injured on someone else’s property? Beyond the immediate medical issues, there may be significant legal questions. How much of the accident was your fault? What level of responsibility falls on the property owner? The injured party might need to file a premises liability claim to cover medical expenses and other damages.

For property owners, these issues might also give rise to questions about what they can do to prevent accidents that may lead to lawsuits. One thing that might help is understanding the different issues that may lead to these claims. This post will explore some of the common types of premises liability claims.


Slip and Fall Accidents

Slips, trips, and falls are some of the most common causes of injuries leading to premises liability claims. It could be a person slipping on a wet floor at the supermarket. A person could slip and fall on an icy sidewalk in front of your house. Whatever the cause, slips and falls can be much more severe than many people appreciate. According to Chopin Law Firm, a slip and fall accident lawyer in New Orleans, “Many people underestimate the danger of slips, trips, and falls. While most incidents don’t result in serious injury, some can be severe. Injuries can include broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and more. In some instances, the injuries can be life-threatening or lead to permanent disability.”

Falling Objects

A falling object can cause injuries or potentially kill someone. Maybe you’re in a retail store, and an improperly stacked item falls off a shelf. Falling objects are also common hazards on or near construction sites. Someone could drop a tool or a piece of material. Property owners should post signs to warn people of falling objects if the risk is present. There are also various steps workers can take to prevent tools or other items from falling.

Animal Attacks

Whether it is a business or home, an animal attack can result in serious injuries. It could include lacerations and punctures from bites, broken bones, head injuries, and more. Not all injuries are also directly caused by the animal. If an animal attacks and a person falls while trying to get away, that could also be a premises liability issue.

While a broad array of animals could cause injuries, dogs are the most common issue. This is because dogs are among the most common animals in people’s homes. It is estimated that there are over 4.5 million dog bite injuries each year in the United States. Of those, only a little over 300,000 result in an emergency room visit. Less than one percent of dog bite incidents are fatal.

Lack of Maintenance

Poor maintenance can be a hazard for visitors. If homes or businesses are not properly maintained, it could lead to any number of safety issues. For example, a tile could come loose on a floor, creating a tripping hazard. Another issue could be a broken handrail or poorly maintained stairs that collapse. Improperly maintained equipment could also be a type of premises liability issue. Property owners must

ensure proper maintenance procedures to prevent the risk of these accidents. When you identify a hazard make sure you address it in a timely manner.

Negligent Security

Many property owners do not realize they can be liable for the actions of criminals on their property. If the owner or possessor of the property fails to take adequate security measures, it could result in a lawsuit for negligence.

For example, some businesses might need a security guard present to protect employees or visitors. Access control systems can be another way to protect people from crime on your property. Some businesses might need to ensure better lighting in parking lots or back alleys to deter crime.

Fire and Burn Injuries

Fires on premises pose a severe danger to occupants. Inadequate fire prevention measures, faulty wiring, and improper storage of flammable materials are common contributors to fires. People could suffer severe burns, smoke inhalation, or even death. Occupants can also suffer injuries while trying to escape fires. Property owners have significant responsibilities regarding fire prevention and fire safety. Proper maintenance can be one of the keys to fire prevention. Buildings should also have all the necessary smoke detectors and fire alarms. Property owners should also keep fire extinguishers handy to put out small fires. Buildings should also have accessible fire exits with clear markings.

Swimming Pool Injuries

As enjoyable as a swimming pool can be, they can also present a significant injury risk. That’s why many insurers charge more for homeowner’s insurance if you have a pool. Many people focus on drowning as the primary concern, but there are other injury issues associated with swimming pools. For example, a guest could suffer injury if they dive in and the water is not deep enough.

Having a fence and proper pool supervision are two of the most important safety measures. Owners should also ensure the pool is properly maintained. Warning signs for shallow water or the safe use of pool items can also help prevent accidents. Creating pool safety rules and making sure people know them is another important step to prevent accidents and injuries.

Property owners can’t be expected to prevent every potential injury that may occur. However, they can do a lot to protect themselves and other people on the premises. By taking the necessary steps to prevent accidents, you can also do a lot to reduce your liability if an accident does occur.

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