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4 Main SEO PowerSuite Tools


LinkAssistant, WebSite Auditor, SEO SpyGlass, and Rank Tracker are SEO PowerSuite four main tools. These tools are adaptable and function as a package to increase your SEO performance like never before. So let’s concentrate on the review of Rank Tracker.

Rank Tracker is a piece of software with a wide range of rank tracking features. You can use this tool to track how your website pages are performing for particular keywords. Here, you’ll find a SERP checker, a keyword research tool, helpful information, and chances to see how your competitors are doing. You can monitor various websites across all major search engines using Rank Tracker from SEO PowerSuite. It has 597 requested search engines (apart from being a great Google rank checker) as at the time of writing this review.

The purpose of Rank Tracker is to monitor keyword placements and production. The rank tracking feature is simple to use and offers a wealth of information. This software provides numerous filtering options so you may personalize your workspace as you see fit. To avoid confusion, it will only show the results from the sources you specifically requested.

Here’s the example of Rank Tracker keyword research versatility:

Keyword Gap shows the discrepancy between your list of keywords and those utilized by your rivaling businesses’ websites.

Keyword Planner compiles keywords from different tools and evaluates fresh keyword suggestions.

It is possible to integrate Search Console and Google Analytics to gather organic keywords from various Google sources.

By using autocomplete suggestions from well-known search engines and online services, Autocomplete tools help users come up with new term ideas.

Related Searches generate ideas for other subjects to cover, which will raise the position of your pages among other results on SERP listings.

Multiple question combinations are generated by Related Questions, which users may enter into search engines.

For the most successful and popular keywords, TF-IDF Explorer examines top-ranking rivals.

The purpose of Keyword Combinations is to mix words and phrases to produce misspellings.

Learning from your competitors is crucial. You may increase the popularity and profitability of your website by looking at how they operate and contrasting their outcomes with your own. Rank Tracker currently provides three primary niches for you to monitor your competing websites:

The module Domain Competitors examines rival websites that are listed in Google for the same search terms as your intended domain.

The function Topic Competitors is intended to help you find any potential niche competitors. All the SERP tracker needs are your topic keywords to begin searching.

The part called Top Pages does local searches, accumulating web sites that are identified for the targeted area and location.

The section of reports contains a collection of detailed reports distributed by the tools used during SEO performance. Here you can find default templates with comprehensive SEO analysis history.

Additionally, the tool contains a powerful rank tracking element. Tracking the ranking for an unlimited number of keywords includes extensive stats for each keyword including the number of searches, visibility, also being keyword difficulty checker, PPC, competitors, and more; local and international search engines are supported. Other features include monitoring competitors’ rankings, comparing the domain’s ranking with previously saved results, and checking the domain’s visibility by time and search engine.

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