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How To Make Your Home Standout At Night


Homes that stand out at night create a unique and inviting atmosphere, not to mention the added security benefits of well-lit exteriors. From lighting up pathways to installing decorative fixtures, there are many ways to make your home look great after dark. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the best tips for making your home shine when the sun goes down.

1: Install Exterior Lights

It is without a doubt the most important step in making your home stand out at night. Exterior lights serve a dual purpose: they provide illumination and also enhance your home’s curb appeal. While you can opt for a traditional outdoor floodlight, there are many other options to choose from. Consider landscape, wall, and post-mounted lighting fixtures, as well as string lights, to help set the mood.

Most professionals recommend using LEDs for exterior lighting, as they are more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than traditional bulbs. One example of a reputable outdoor lighting company that offers LED options is Blingle. It’s important to note that with any lighting choice, you should install fixtures in areas of your home where there is no risk of water entering the fixture.

2: Plant Trees & Shrubs With Lights

Creating a well-lit landscape doesn’t have to be all about the fixtures, you can also use living elements to add a sparkle of light. Trees and shrubs that are lit up at night create an inviting atmosphere, so consider adding some illuminated plants to your yard. Solar-powered LED lights are the perfect choice for outdoor landscaping as they provide enough illumination without using electricity.

You could even use lighting to highlight particular trees and shrubs to create a unique and eye-catching effect. For example, you can use uplights to cast an ambient glow over large plants such as bushes or trees.

3: Add Decorative Accents

Adding decorative touches such as lanterns, solar-powered stakes, and garden gnomes can give your home a cozy, inviting feel at night. You can use these accents to draw attention to a particular part of your yard or highlight pathways. Many decorative accents come with integrated solar-powered LEDs, giving you the benefit of extra nighttime illumination without using electricity.

Additionally, outdoor furniture can also be used to spruce up your home’s exterior after dark—just make sure the pieces you choose are made of weather-resistant materials.

4: Invest In Smart Lighting

If you’re looking for an easy way to control your exterior lighting, consider investing in smart lighting systems. Smart lighting controllers allow you to customize the brightness and color of each light fixture, as well as create schedules that turn lights on and off automatically. You can even use a mobile app to adjust your lighting from anywhere with an internet connection.

Smart lighting systems also come with added security benefits—motion sensors can be used to turn lights on when motion is detected, giving the appearance of someone being home even when you’re away.

5: Get Creative

One of the best things about making your home stand out at night is that you can get creative. This could mean adding an LED light strip to the underside of your deck railing or using special lenses over landscape lights to create a kaleidoscope effect. There are tons of ways to get creative with lighting—check out our blog for more ideas.

With these tips, you can light up your home and make it shine when the sun goes down. From security benefits to decorative accents, there are plenty of ways to turn your house into a glowing beacon at night. With a little creativity, you can create a nighttime look that is both beautiful and functional. 

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