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Top 6 Easy Steps That Will Ensure Your Home Is Ready for Winter

Winter isn’t coming anymore, it is (almost) here! Depending on where you live, cold weather can have an effect on you, your home, and your vehicles. As the days get shorter, the weather becomes chillier, and the holiday season arrives. You need to gear up. If you don’t want gas leaks from the old furnace or exploded drain pipes, you need to winterize your home. Here are 6 easy ways to prepare your home for the winter.


1. Get your Boiler Serviced

Don’t take your boiler for granted until it breaks down. Get it serviced way ahead of time to ensure that it is ready for the upcoming winter. You can also ensure that your heating system is in the best shape by insulating the pipes and your hot water tank, in addition to bleeding your radiators. If you get it done ahead of time, you will save a lot, because once winter is already here, everyone will be overbooked. 

2. Essential Checks

Weatherproof your house in every way. Head outdoors and complete all the essential checks. Check the roof for cracks or loose tiles. Ensure that all gutters and drains are clean. For example, if you have a chimney, you should get local home services. You may find a chimney sweep in Winchester, VA, as most of the houses there have chimneys. Cleaning a chimney requires special equipment for soot and flammable creosote buildup. Cleaning services are usually more thorough and inspect it for any possible fire hazard or gas leak as well. If you have a garden, ensure that the leaves are not clogging any drain. 

3. Insulate

An uninsulated house means that you are going to pay a lot more in energy bills. Insulate walls, windows, and floors. You could consider using draught-proofing strips or excluders to prevent any draught coming in from windows, doors, or chimneys. 

4. Don’t Let the Door Locks Freeze

If you live in a place with an extremely cold climate, you must have had this problem. You can spray powdered graphite lubricant in the keyholes of all door locks, and then turn the key in the lock a few times. This way it will not freeze. 

5. Check the Pipes

For extremely cold weather, drain pipes are a hazard because the water can freeze inside them and then burst. You need to insulate your pipes to ensure that they work properly during the winter. 

6. Prevent Ice Dams

To ensure that there is no icicle buildup anywhere inside your house, ensure you find any cracks or leaks that lead to the ice dams. You can call in a professional to help you with it. 


If you prepare your house well in advance, you will have peace of mind, especially if you have to pack up and leave during the holidays. Ensure that you call a professional for a better and more thorough inspection of the house, especially since there are steps that may be dangerous for you to try yourself. So, follow the steps above to ensure that your house is winterized and that you are well-prepared for the holidays.

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