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Top 10 Accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton

Born in 1757, Alexander Hamilton was an American statesman, politician, military commander, lawyer, banker, and economist. When you talk about the Founding Fathers of the United States, his name usually goes unnoticed. Most people think of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. But Hamilton is right up there with them.

Hamilton had a huge influence as an interpreter and promoter of the US Constitution. He founded the nation’s financial system, the Federalist Party, the United States Coast Guard, and even the New York Post newspaper.

Hamilton served as the first secretary of the treasury. He was the main author of the economic policies of George Washington’s administration.

Born in Charlestown, Nevis, he got raised by a prosperous merchant. He was an orphan as a child. When he reached his teenage years, he went to New York to pursue his education.

Alexander took an early role in the militia during the American Revolutionary War. And after the War, he served as a representative from New York to the Congress of the Confederation.

His accomplishments can make a long list and in every domain of life. So, let’s talk more about the accomplishments of Alexander Hamilton. His achievements in life are huge. And his contributions to the United States of America go beyond his name.

The First Letter


Alexander Hamilton started working at a local firm during his school days. He worked on an export and import firm.

He started working there to support himself. And the owners quickly noticed his talents and skills. At his first job, he developed an interest in writing. He recognized that skill could help him advance in life.

One of his big accomplishments came during his early days. He wrote a letter about the hurricane that had hit the town. And the local gazette published the letter, giving Hamilton one of his early accomplishments.

Led The New York Provincial Artillery Company During The American Revolution


Hamilton joined the American Revolutionary War from the early days. He wanted to help America in the conflict between Great Britain and the thirteen colonies in North America.

He joined the war as part of the New York volunteer militia company. Alexander quickly rose to the status of a captain of the New York Provincial Company of Artillery. He took part in the Battle of White Plains, Battle of Trenton, and Battle of Princeton.

Led The Way In The Battle Of Yorktown


After he showed his military skills and excellence commanding the New York Provincial Company of Artillery, high ranking officers took notice. They gave him a promotion, and he served as the chief staff aide of General Washington, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.

He served in that position for four years, from 1777 to 1781. But he wanted field duties. So, he took command of a battalion of light infantry companies. He commanded three battalions during the Siege of Yorktown, with his leadership helping the US get a decisive victory.

After this battle, the British government started negotiations to end the conflict.

First Secretary Of Treasure


George Washington and Hamilton worked closely together during the War. After it, President Washington appointed him as the first United States secretary of the treasury.

Hamilton entered office in September 1789 and left it in January 1795. During that time, he set the basis for much of the structure of the government.

Hamilton submitted various financial reports to Congress. Among those, we can point to First Report on the Public Credit, Report on a National Bank, and Operations of the Act Laying Duties on Imports.

As the first secretary of treasure, he built a financial foundation for the new nation. Hamilton argued in favor of a strong central government.

Leading Contributor To The Federalist Papers


After the Constitutional Convention in 1787, each state had to hold a convention to determine whether they would ratify the Constitution. This led to an intense battle between two sides, the Federalists supporting the Constitution and the Anti-Federalists.

Hamilton started writing under the pseudonym Publius. He wrote 51 of the 85 published articles and essays promoting the ratification of the constitution. Today, we call these The Federalist Papers.

Nowadays, many consider these papers the most important work in political science.

Establish The United States Coast Guard


After the revolution, the US Government had to find a way to get income to the country. They wanted to utilize tariffs on imports. But many traders tried to avoid the taxes and found ways to bring the goods into the country without the government’s knowledge.

Hamilton noticed that and proposed to Congress to establish a naval police forge. That police force is the US Coast Guard.

Instrumental In Establishing A National Bank In The US


In June 1784, Hamilton founded the Bank of New York. This bank served as an instrumental piece in securing the first loan obtained by the United States.

At the time, Alexander served as the secretary of the treasury. He used that role to push for the establishment of a national bank. He believed that the bank would stabilize and improve the credit line of the nation.

Hamilton then prepared the Report on a National Bank. Using his experience with the Bank of New York, he proposed ways for founding the bank.

Founding The First Political Party In The US


His financial programs as Secretary of the Treasury caused a strong division within the government. The Federalist Party supported his fiscal policies.

Many consider Hamilton, the founder of the Federalist Party. It is the first American political party. Thomas Jefferson challenged his vision and formed a rival party, the Democratic-Republican Party.

Head Of The American Army From 1798 To 1800


While working as the Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton had to establish the United States Mint. He wrote the Report on the Establishment of a Mint. Congress adopted his principles, resulting in the Coinage Act of 1792.

After finishing his term as a secretary of the treasury, he served as the United States Army’s inspector general from 1798 to 1800. He aided the development of the army.

The New York Evening Post


Among the last achievements by Alexander Hamilton, we have to mention the newspaper he established. This newspaper comes out to this day under the name New York Evening Post.

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