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Best 10 Tips to Decorate Your Study Space


Where do you usually study? If you study while lying in your bed or watching TV, you should consider creating and decorating your study space. This is what we are going to discuss in this article. We are going to help you learn how to create a study space and the key rules that you should follow to ensure that you study effectively.

College is filled with assignments, exams, and projects that you need to work on every day. To stay on top of things in college, you need to create a solid plan, stay organized and come up with a strategy. One of these strategies is decorating your study space. Here are ten simple interior design tips that you can use to decorate your study space. But first, let’s look at the type of study spaces.


Most students do some serious studying in the school library. If you want to focus or prepare for an important exam, the school library is the go-to place. Where you choose to study in the library depends on what you want to achieve. Some of the things that you should prioritize when choosing a library include:

· Noise level: Most libraries are divided into several noise levels. They range from silent – where you don’t talk to collaborative – where you talk at a low volume. You can always choose to go quiet especially if you are working on an important or urgent project.

· Spacious: It should be spacious enough to allow you to spread your books, computer, writing materials, mouse, and snacks.

· Empty: You should always try to find an area with minimal foot traffic or other common types of distractions. You don’t want to look up after a few minutes to say hi to the people you know who are passing by.

Academic building

Academic buildings are the ideal places to study specific subjects. Some departments have lounges or labs devoted to a specific subject. For example, most colleges have a math lab that you can use to work on your math assignments. If you are taking a STEM course, there are a lot of resources provided by the department that you can use.

Studying in an academic building is important when you are revising for your exams. To get good grades in your course, you need to invest in school or college education. Learning on campus how to write subjects and do your exam with the help of teachers will improve your studying. Learning mathematics, formulas and integrals through online studying will help you save time in university.

Stimulating test conditions is one of the best ways to fight anxiety and boost your memory. If you can find the place where your exam will take place and do a few sessions, you can boost your performance.

Miscellaneous places

While there are better places to study, there are some students who enjoy studying in places that are neither dorms nor libraries. These places include under a tree, in the dining hall, or in the student center lounge. Some students cannot get work done in such places. However, if it works for you, you should buy coursework and study in these places. These are the best places for working on collaborative tasks. When you seek online help and study in groups, you’ll save a lot of time.


In most instances, students ditch campus completely. You can get some serious work done at home. All you have to do is find an empty or spare room and use a unique study space design. You’ll need a good desk and chair to improve your concentration and health.

Tips to decorate your study space

Here are ten tips that you can use to decorate your study space and make it work for you:

1. Furniture

Your study room should be comfy. However, it shouldn’t be too comfy that you start getting distracted. Choose a good desk and chair. You should fit comfortably and your feet need to be on the floor. You shouldn’t hunch over your computer while working.

2. Lighting

Human beings love light. If your study space is not well lit, you may strain your eyes and start feeling sleepy. Ensure that your screen is comfortable to look at. And use your desk lamp to light the immediate area. Natural light is fine. However, avoid looking out of the window.

3. Clock

Time management is the foundation of success in any area of life. A clock acts as a tool for motivation. A clock provides a simple way to improve your focus and get the work done without struggling.

4. Control noise

Most students enjoy listening to music while studying. Songs will improve your focus and put you in a good mood. You should consider investing in an ambient noise machine or listening to classical music.

5. Invest in scents

If you want your study space to have a specific fragrance, you should try several essential oils. They include rosemary Lavender and peppermint oils to name a few. These oils have been proven to boost concentration and memory.

6. Eliminating desk clutter

There are a lot of materials that you need to have in your study space. It’s also important to keep in mind that there are others that you should leave out. Some of the clutter or distractions that you should eliminate in your study space include video games, junk food, your friends, and your smartphone to name a few.

7. School supplies

You should always ensure that you have all the study materials that you require. Keep the supplies in a designated area in a drawer or desk. Also, ensure that your laptop charger is close to you to avoid losing your work and wasting time when your battery dies.

8. Invest in a plant

One of the best ways to improve the look of your study room is by investing in indoor plants. You should always go for a plant that requires little pruning, watering, and maintenance because you’ll be busy in college. Also, choose a plant that won’t harm you or your pet.

9. Buy a mirror

With a mirror, you won’t have to turn on your phone camera any time you want to admire yourself. Plus, your room will look bigger and brighter.

10. Invest in wall art

Most students don’t enjoy looking at bare walls because they are dull. You should consider investing in a huge piece or multiple small items. You can also create a gallery wall to beautify your space.


These are the ten best tips on how to decorate your workplace. Most of these ways are not only simple but also affordable for the average student. Depending on where you live, you can always personalize your study space.

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