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How to Choose the Right Color Contact Lens


It’s exciting to experiment with new looks and styles, and colored contacts can be a part of the experience. With all of the options available, it can be difficult to settle on a single color.

Types of Colored Contacts

When choosing what color you want your colored contacts to be, it’s important to be informed about the different types of colored contacts. Some merely enhance your natural eye color, while others completely change the color of the eye.

Visibility Tint

Visibility tints are one of the more common colored contact lens options, yet it has nothing to do with actually changing the color of your eye. Instead, it includes a visibility tint on the lens itself to help the wearer see the lens better. The tint appears in a green or light blue, and its visibility makes it easier to insert and find.

Enhancement Lens Tints

These lenses have a translucent hue that is slightly darker than that of a visibility tint. Enhancement tints work to enhance the natural eye color and pair well with individuals who have lighter eyes. They are great for intensifying the natural color of the eye.

Equinox Lenses

Equinox lenses are also known as circle lenses, and they have a dark ring around the iris. This creates a subtle yet dramatic effect, and they are most effective and visible on lighter-colored eyes.

Opaque lens Tints

Opaque tints are not non-transparent, and they change the eye color completely. These tints come in many different colors, including:

  • Brown
  • Hazel
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Violet

Opaque tints are available in many other colors and varying shades of colors, and they can help provide a dramatic change for your eyes.

Theatrical Tints

Theatrical tints are also known as special effects contacts, though they are commonly found under the opaque tint category. These theatrical tints can come with designs or can even glow in the dark.

How to Choose Colored Contacts

When choosing the best color contact for you, there are several different factors that some individuals rely on.


One way to choose your preferred colored contacts is to see how they look in different light settings. You can use a handheld mirror to help. Some light settings may enhance the color of the contact lens, while others may dim it. Also, where will you be wearing the contact lenses, and what will the lighting be like in that setting?

Hair Color

Hair color can also be used to determine a color contact that works for you. Blonde hair is very versatile, so it can suit a range of different eye colors. Colors like violet, blue, and green look great.

Green looks amazing with red hair, though different shades of green may fit various different shades of red. Black is another color that suits many different eye colors.

When looking for a natural look with brown hair, then hazel and brown lenses can help you achieve a natural look. If you want a more striking and dramatic look, try green or blue.

Skin Tone

Some individuals choose the color of their contacts based on the type of skin tone that they have. There are three different types: cool, neutral, and warm.

  • Cool Skin Tone: Cool skin tones have veins that show through the skin as blue, and colors like gray, blue, and purple compliment the white and blue undertones.
  • Neutral Skin Tone: You likely have a neutral skin tone if you can’t tell if your veins are blue or green. Those with neutral skin tones usually have olive complexions and are complimented with a range of different color choices, like gray, violet, green, brown, hazel, and many more. It’s a versatile skin tone.
  • Warm Skin Tone: Warm skin tones have a yellow undertone to the skin, and the veins will appear green. For a warm skin tone, hazel, blue, and brown contrast beautifully with the tone.

Just because some people base the colors they choose on their skin tone doesn’t mean you have to as well. In fact, you don’t have to rely on any of these methods. Pick whatever colored contact you want. If your colored contacts are also prescription, you’re going to want to make sure the color you choose is a color you will be comfortable wearing every day.

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