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Top 10 Benefits Of Being Self-Employed

For many people, being self-employed is the dream. You can set your own hours, take time off whenever you want, and have no one to answer to. In this article, you’ll learn about the top 10 benefits of being self-employed. 

You control your life 

When you’re self-employed, you can control your own destiny. You set the rules and decide how to best run your business. Furthermore, you won’t need to worry about dealing with workplace politics or playing office politics games that typically come along with working for someone else.


You get to choose your hours

Being self-employed means you get to call the shots about when you work. You can choose to work in the early morning, later in the day, during the evening, or whatever times of day best fit your schedule. This allows you to set time aside for family and other activities that are important to you. 

You get to work with people you like

Have you ever worked with someone that made your skin crawl? This is especially common in workplaces where you must work alongside people for years on end. Being self-employed means, you only get to work with people you like, which makes the working environment more friendly and enjoyable.

You get the rewards of working

Typically, when you work for someone else, your motivation is to earn a steady paycheck. However, when you’re self-employed, it is up to you to decide how much money you want and/or need. This lets you earn the rewards of your hard work instead of having an employer do that for you.

You can follow your passion

 Have you ever wondered what it would be like to follow your passion and work in a field that interests you? You’ll never know unless you quit your job and go for it. However, if you’re self-employed, there is no obstacle between you and following your passion.

You get to live a varied life 

One of the best things about being self-employed is that it gives you a chance to try out different types of work. Some people get bored with the same routine their entire life but working for yourself lets you mix it up all the time.

You can reduce stress

Stress is one of the main reasons people go to work every day. When you’re self-employed, it’s up to you to reduce as much stress as possible. This leaves you more time and energy for yourself and those around you who care about your feelings. Click here to find out more about reducing stress when you’re self-employed.

You get to help people

When you go to work for someone else, chances are the only person you’re helping is yourself. When you’re self-employed, however, you can choose to use your business as a way of helping others instead of just focusing on earning money.

You can make a stand

If you strongly disagree with a company policy or management, your only option is to quit. When you have an employer, the only way of correcting a wrong is by quitting and possibly looking for another job elsewhere.

You are rewarded with self-fulfillment

Ultimately, the best benefit of being self-employed is getting to experience a feeling of accomplishment and inner peace by engaging in work that you truly feel passionate about. Once you’ve experienced this euphoric state of mind, there is no going back to working for someone else.

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