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Top 10 Pest Control Tips To Keep Your Home Safe

What are pests? Its definition is subjective. Some people may consider them as pets. However, for the majority, they’re unwanted guests that live in homes rent-free. 

They’re usually carriers of diseases, and they also ruin things at home. They can either be found flying freely from one room to another or at dinner tables looking for scraps, crumbs, and leftovers. 


They’re pretty good at hiding. Oftentimes, people fail to notice them even though they’re just in plain sight. Wherever they are, they’re not welcome. You must find ways to get rid of them before they start multiplying and cause major property damage. If it gets out of hand, you can hire professionals, like Cleargate Pest Defense, to do the repairs.

Don’t wait for your home’s pest issue to become unmanageable. You can still control the pest infestation by seeking professional help or buying pesticides. But before you purchase pesticides, always consider these things: the size of the house and the source of where the pests are coming from. Lastly, don’t forget to do some deep cleaning and sanitizing right after. 

For top-notch pest control in St. Charles, reach out to our trusted professionals who will help you implement the best strategies for keeping your home safe from unwanted invaders.

Here are some tips and home remedies that you can do:

1. Keep Track of Your Plants

If you have a patio full of plants or you just have a few plants in your home, always clean and maintain it. Check if they start overgrowing and trim them. Dead leaves can be a home to various pests, so as much as possible, dispose of them right away.

And if you have a backyard, utilize that space and put all your plants there and away from the house. Another way to avoid having to deal with pests is to buy realistic-looking faux plants and keep them indoors. 

 2. Clean As You Go (CLAYGO)

Follow the CLAYGO principle, especially in the kitchen. After preparing food, segregate the trash immediately and put them into separate bins. Some vegetables can still be repurposed and used as a fertilizer, while some vegetables can be regrown. 

 3. Clean Your Pantry

Discard rotten fruits and vegetables. If you know that the food in your fridge is about to go bad, use them, eat them, and learn the proper ways of storing them. 

Additionally, make sure to dispose of them properly. Maximize air-tight containers, whether plastic or glass ones. These can help keep the pests away, and these little creatures won’t be able to penetrate and get in these containers. 

4. Maintain The Cleanliness Of Your Home

Clean your home regularly. Learn how to organize and know how to utilize your space. This is non-negotiable. Nobody wants to stay in an untidy home—let alone with pests.  

You can also choose among the commercial pesticides available in the market these days. However, they contain chemicals that may be harmful to humans.

If you’re uneasy about using these products, you can use natural alternatives. Sage and Rosemary can be used against mosquitos. Vinegar can be used to get rid of ants. Moreover, basil can keep the flies away, while cockroaches hate Borax. Additionally, any citrus fruit to counter spiders. 

If all else fails and the problem becomes unmanageable, you can contact professionals with the expertise and equipment to tackle this project. You can check the service areas for Cleargate Pest Defense to know if you can avail of their services.


5. Watch Out For Mosquitos.

Don’t leave the water out for too long. Discard it when not in use since it becomes an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. Once mosquitoes start laying eggs, it can be challenging to eliminate their presence in your home. Another great way to prevent infestation is by installing netting. This is suggested by most mosquito pest control services because these don’t allow for easy entry. You could also use repellents such as citronella candles and electric repellents.

6. Proper Storage Is The Way To Go

Store and seal leftover food properly to avoid leakage and crumbs in the pantry or the fridge. No one wants rodents sniffing around and looking for scraps. Having rodents at home can lead to health problems, especially when your food and other belongings become contaminated with pest feces. 

7. Maintenance Is Key

Always do a maintenance check on doors, windows, or any small entrance that these creatures can easily crawl into. As much as possible, put up screen doors and repair your window screens if needed. That way, these pests will find it difficult to reenter your house after shunning them away.

8. Rinse And Repeat

Check the sink, drains, and sewers if the passages are clear. Clean it at least once a week to avoid it from getting clogged up. If it gets clogged, that would be an additional headache since leaks and overflows can happen.

9. Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite

Watch out for bed bugs. They’re usually found in couches and mattresses. Nobody wants to sleep with these crawling around since it’d be so uncomfortable. Picture this, you are sleeping soundly, and then suddenly you get bitten by something so small, and you can’t fall back to sleep until you find whatever it is that’s biting you.

10. Trip Down Memory Lane

Check old storage boxes. It could be where these pests are coming from. Don’t leave these lying around the house. Dispose of them when they can’t be used anymore. Avoid hoarding clutter and only keep those that you need.


At the end of the day, the main goal is to get rid of these unwanted guests, and there are tons of ways to do that. But, the most practical and wisest way is by hiring these people. It will give the homeowner peace of mind knowing that the problem has been dealt with.

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