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Top 10 Tips to Get Ready for a Test

Preparing for a test can feel like a stressful ordeal that you wish to get through as soon as possible. However, wishing to rush the process and even trying to rush the preparation process can leave you feeling more stressed and worried. So, instead of focusing on the negatives associated with a test, start looking at the positives on offer, and start preparing or getting ready with the following top 10 tips:


1. Have a Revision Schedule

A revision schedule that plans out when you will revise (and what) will help you focus your efforts. Without a revision schedule, you may find that your time is not productive. You may also find that you do not commit enough time to revision.

2. Get Enough Rest and Relaxation

It can be tempting to carry on revising and studying for a test in any free time that you have. This, however, may not be the most productive use of your time. Revising for a test when you are tired can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Make sure you get plenty of rest and relaxation for your body and mind.

3. Find Out Areas of Weakness

You may not need to focus on all areas when revising for a test. You could benefit from focusing on those areas of weakness. For example, this may be a particular subject or topic, or it may be a weakness relating to how you manage your approach to testing.

4. Use Past Exams to Revise

If you can get hold of past examination papers from past years, then try and do this. You can see the style of question you will be up against, and you can start practicing your timings. You don’t want to in unprepared. 

5. Invest in Courses and Classes

When you are preparing for a specific test, you may find it beneficial to invest in courses and classes. For example, if you are preparing to go to law school, you will find that LSAT practice with trained and experienced professionals will be advantageous.

6. Reward Yourself

Studying can be hard on you, and it is important that you reward yourself along the way. This may be with a break to watch TV, or it may be with some downtime to catch up with friends. Find your own way of rewarding yourself for all your hard work. 

7. Study With Others

Studying and revising on your own can feel isolating, and at times it can be counterproductive too. So, why not join a study group where you can? You may find that studying and revising together helps to strengthen your approach.


8. Find a Revision Style That Works for You

Not all ways of studying and revision will work for you. For instance, you may find that short bursts of repetition work for you. Or, you may find that rewriting your notes or passages helps you remember key information. Through trial and error, you can find an approach and style to studying and revision that works for you.

9. Start Revising and Studying Early

Do not leave studying and revision to the last minute. Where possible, start revising and studying as early as you can. Give yourself time to cover all of the topics and subjects you want.

10. Reduce the Stress and Pressure

You will feel under a lot of stress and pressure during the test run-up. However, you will find that this is not always ideal for getting the best results. So where you can, you need to reduce the stress and pressure you put yourself under. Focus on breathing and relaxation techniques.

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