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Top 4 Tips On How To Start Your Own Mobile Bar Business

Hard times call for ingenuity, and few things scream enterprise more than a mobile bar business. Maybe the goal is for you to eventually have your own brick-and-mortar business. Or maybe you truly enjoy the particular details of having a mobile bar business – it is, after all, pretty fun and tends to turn heads. Mobile bartenders aren’t stuck at one bar: they take their wares and travel to different locations and set up shop wherever an event coordinator may need them, or at places where potential customers tend to flock. If you’re thinking of starting a mobile bar business, but feel a bit unsure as to where or how to start, then the following tips should help you out.


1. Consider Different Approaches

Mobile bartending companies take many shapes and forms, but the common denominator is that they charge revenue from the services provided. If your mobile bar business primarily specializes in offering drink service to catered parties, you will need to consider whether the customers just need access to drinks and cocktail mixes, or if they require bartenders on their own – or not. Other mobile bar businesses will also offer full service, from drinks, glassware, to mixers, and so on. The most successful bar businesses tend to be the ones that choose to either focus on one particular approach and have that be their calling card, or who offer enough customizable options that their customers are always eager to come back for more. 

2. Be Creative

Yes, it’s important to stick to the classics. Beer, wine, and rose should always be on hand, and a simple scotch on the rocks is always appreciated. However, what really makes customers happy are fun, inventive cocktails that help them unwind and mark a special occasion. While few people like overly sweet and brightly colored concoctions, they won’t say no to a fruity alcoholic drink that’s been thoughtfully put together. The talents over at The Kitchen Community recommend starting out the warmer months by looking to nature for inspiration and having plenty of fruit-based cocktails on hand. In general, try to be creative with your approach so that customers are ensured to be having a good time. 

3. Start a Business Account

If you’re just starting your mobile bar business and have a bit of seed money to help get you going, then the next step for you to take is to open a business account at your bank. You need to protect yourself from financial liabilities, and your personal assets should never feed into the business in that way. 

4. Create Service Agreements

Another word of financial advice? It is strongly recommended that you ask clients to sign service agreements right before working on their orders. This agreement should help mitigate their expectations, while also minimizing the risk in potential legal disputes before an event. You should get in touch with a legal expert to help you put together a foolproof document.


Being a bartender is hard work, and if you’re standing up in a bar all night, you know how tiring it can be. At the same time, owning your own place is extremely difficult, and costs more money than you can probably afford right now. A mobile bar business is the best way to go and has so much to offer. 


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