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Mewing: Actual Science Or Another Social Trend? Unlocking The Real Reason!!

Ever heard of “mewing”? No, not that cute purry kitten sound, but the facial exercise technique that has become the talk of the town on the internet lately. The concept is relatively straightforward: Maintain a proper tongue posture, and improve breathing, jaw and even facial structure in one go!! 

Basically, Dr John Mew, a British orthodontist, while looking to forward his legacy, further found a quick fix to improve facial structure and overall health. 

But what is this peculiar tongue posture, and how can Mewing help give you the jaw of your dreams? Citing some mewing enthusiasts on the internet, Mewing requires positioning the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Yes, it’s that easy to stay fit!! 

While we can’t say if it’s the placebo effect or if this is statistically significant, the growing testimonies of people who swear by it require attention. So, if you’re curious about this latest trend, or wish to try it to enhance your appearance, then come along as we investigate the world of Mewing and its potential benefits. 


Several Benefits Of Practicing Mewing 

Simply put, Mewing is an effective way to improve facial appearance and oral health. It gives a noticeable improvement in the jawline by strengthening facial muscles and simultaneously solving breathing and swallowing issues. 

Leading orthodontics worldwide are researching Mewing, and here are some of the incredible advantages they found in their study. 

Improves Facial Symmetry: Mewing gives a better facial structure by aligning teeth and jaws in a symmetrical and harmonious facial design. It simply assists the growth of the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) by keeping the tongue in the proper position, thus eliminating the appearance of a weak or depressed chin. Your newly found cheekbones would be thankful for this technique. 

Gives Youthful Charm: Stronger and toned facial muscles give a young impressionable lively face. When done regularly and adequately, Mewing improves blood flow and oxygenation to deeply rooted facial tissues that can rejuvenate facial skin. 

One can accelerate collagen formation and skin elasticity by exercising the mouth, lips, and cheeks.

Provides More Room For Breathing And Swallowing: Besides its several facial benefits, Mewing also relaxes respiratory issues such as sleep apnea, opens up airways and prevents snoring. 

Practicing placing the tongue on the roof regularly in a proper position drastically reduced any blockage in the throat by smoothly pushing down liquids and solids. 

Improved Dental Health: Increasing dental deterioration is a crisis, and lack of it furthers the problem. A study published the advantages of Mewing in preventing dental diseases such as malocclusion (tooth misalignment) and temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ). 

By keeping your tongue in the proper position, one can promote natural tooth and jaw growth, thus reducing the possibility of problems like dental crowding and extractions.

Similar: 4 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath Completely

Positive Impact On Body: Overall, regular Mewing improves posture, relaxes a fresher tone to neck and shoulder tissues, and even lowers the risk of headaches or migraines in young adults. 

Mewing Testimonies: Before And After 

Mewing aids in repairing misaligned teeth and improving facial shape. While there is some anecdotal evidence of its efficacy over the years, there is little scientific data to back up its claims. However, here are some success stories and personal experiences that can help put things on Mewing’s side. 

John and Mike Mew: The Mewing technique, popularized by two orthodontists, John and Mike Mew, has assisted many patients in improving their face structure and tooth alignment.

Instagram accounts dedicated to “Mewing Transformation”: There are accounts dedicated specifically to the cause of Mewing. The “Mewing Pedia” account, for example, shows before-and-after testimonies from people claiming to have changed their facial structure using Mewing. 

Personal accounts: Reddit has made it easy to browse through several personal accounts online of people who have tried Mewing and seen excellent effects. This Reddit thread, for example, has multiple success stories of people who have utilized the technique and its results. 

Handful Tips for Practicing Effective Mewing At Home

The simple treatment for Mewing is for everyone wishing for stronger cheekbones and symmetrical teeth. If you are new to this and curious about getting started, then here’s a detailed guide. 

Step 1 The first step involves identifying a comfortable tongue position. Try putting the tip of your tongue gently behind the front teeth. Then, slowly flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth and push it as far back as you can.

Step 2 Like all the great techniques, Mewing is about consistency, so make sure you put in constant effort without straining your tongue. You can start with a few minutes at first and then gradually increase the duration as you become more familiar.

Step 3 The most important step is to be patient. Remember, Mewing isn’t your daily quick fix, and it takes time to get the best results. Rest assured, be patient in your endeavor without comparing the results. 

Important Note:-  Mewing may not be suitable for everyone(especially for people with sinusitis and other breathing problems). It is always best to seek guidance from a qualified orthodontist or dentist. Nonetheless, if you wish to improve your facial and tooth alignment, Mewing might be worthwhile!

Avoid These Common Mistakes While Mewing

So you have done your research and decided to give Mewing a shot. But before you fall headfirst into this strategy, be aware of typical blunders that can impede your success. Here are a few things to start away from. 

Overdoing It

Although Mewing is about consistency, please don’t overdo it. Start cautiously and progressively increase the duration as you become a pro. Anything done in excess causes discomfort and suffering and, in this case, damages healthy teeth and gums. 

Improper Tongue Placement

This is a tricky one, and even the most sought-after people make this error when first starting with Mewing. Remember, Mewing involves placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth and directly below your front teeth. We’d recommend you watch YouTube videos or seek professional help If you need help with tongue placement. 

Mouth breathing

This is kind of a no-brainer. Mewing entails inhaling via nose as much as possible and tries avoiding mouth breathing as much as possible. Breathing through your mouth will keep your tongue from getting in a proper position. Doing this regularly can eventually lead to additional health issues like breathing problems. 

Neglecting oral hygiene

Mewing or not, everyone should keep up with their Dental care. Mewing can create a bacteria-friendly homely environment on the roof of your mouth. So, it is better to brush and floss regularly. Do consider using a tongue scraper for a clean and healthy tongue. 


Tips for Maintaining Proper Tongue Posture 

Here are some expert techniques to help maintain a healthy tongue posture.

Start Small Before Hitting Big: Start your course with modest sessions and progressively improve. Aim for 10-15 minutes at a time in a day, gradually increasing the duration(only if you are comfortable) as you become more accustomed to the technique.

Taking Healthy Breaks: While it’s essential to be constant, it is also important to take a break from the daily routine once in a while. Also, remember that tension or straining tongue muscles too much can cause discomfort and even pain.

Breathe! Breathe! Breathe! But Not With Mouth: While breathing through your mouth is not fatal, it can cause muscle stress. Practice breathing through your nose, just like meditation. 

Adjust your posture: Your overall posture can impact your ability to maintain optimal tongue posture while Mewing. Avoid slouching or hunching over by sitting up straight with your head and neck aligned.

Potential Drawbacks Of Mewing 

While Mewing has many potential benefits, there are certain drawbacks to be aware of:

  • Discomfort or pain: Some people may experience discomfort or pain, especially if they are not used to stretching their tongue far out in a specific posture for extended periods of time.
  • Wrong tongue placement: An incorrect tongue placement might exacerbate dental concerns; therefore, it’s critical to take advice from a competent specialist to verify your technique. 
  • Mewing is not the answer to everything: There are certain problems, including severe malocclusion, that require a standard orthodontic treatment.
  • Consistency is required: Mewing, much like any workout or practice, demands consistent effort. While It may be difficult for some people to maintain an optimal tongue posture over time, small gradual minutes can add up. 

Also, remember while there is anecdotal evidence to support the benefits of Mewing, there has been little scientific research on the subject. And it is important to talk to an expert before you pursue Mewing. 

Thus, while Mewing may have numerous potential benefits, it is critical to be aware of these potential negatives and to take guidance from a good physician before initiating any new DIY health practice for jaw alignment. 


To summarize, Mewing has grown in popularity in recent years as a quick fix to improving oral health and face structure. While an expert scientific study on the subject is sparse, many people have experienced favorable results from frequent Mewing.

However, it is critical to be aware of the potential disadvantages of Mewing, such as discomfort or soreness and inappropriate tongue placement. It is important to understand thoroughly before touching the subject. 

Do not forget the importance of contacting a certified professional before starting Mewing yourself.  Although it’s a great alternative to any health supplements or surgery, do study the testimonies from people thoroughly before starting. 

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