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Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Get a Pet Chinchilla

Chinchillas are the perfect pet for anyone looking for a low-maintenance, lovable companion. Chinchillas are very active and playful and will keep you entertained for hours on end. They are also very clean animals and will not create any messes in your home. Plus, they don’t require a lot of attention, so they are perfect for those who lead busy lives. If you’re looking for a new pet to add to your family, then be sure to consider a chinchilla. Let’s see the top reasons why you should get a chinchilla today.


1. Chinchillas Are Clean

Chinchillas have very thick fur, which makes them extremely good at keeping themselves clean. Chinchillas groom themselves so much that they don’t even need to be bathed by their owners. However, if you haven’t already taken care of an animal, Chinchillas do not make the best pets for all beginners, so keep in mind everything you’ll need to do to take care of them. Chinchillas lick themselves like cats do to keep their coats fluffy and soft. You can expect your chinchilla to only shed once or twice a year. 

Additionally, when their fur starts looking dull after it has molted they will self-groom again until they look shiny and new again. Some people mistake this for ‘dirty’ when in fact it is the opposite – chinchillas are very clean animals!

2. They Require Very Little Space

A chinchilla enclosure does not need to be very large. If you get a baby chinchilla it will not need an extremely large enclosure and can live in a relatively small cage for its entire life. However, the larger the chinchilla, the larger their enclosure needs to be. 

Chinchillas are very prone to heatstroke so make sure your home is always cool before introducing one to your home. They are most active at dawn and dusk but it’s still important that these times do not coincide with when you are typically at home.

3. They Are Low Maintenance Pets

Chinchillas require a minimal time commitment on your part after you purchase them initially. You only need to clean their cages once or twice a week depending on how many animals are kept in there together and if their living area is large enough. You will need to clean the wheels and water bottle daily, however. Just make sure to spend time with them and give them lots of love and attention as you would to a dog or cat.

4. Chinchillas Are Fun To Watch

Chinchillas are very fun to watch because they use their front paws like hands so they can climb on things. They also jump around frequently, sometimes not even touching the ground for long periods at all before landing on top of or right next to an item. They love playing with toys including wooden chew toys and ‘chinchilla puffs’. Once your chinchilla is comfortable in your home you’ll be able to see it rolling around everywhere – it’s very cute! 

If you’re looking for a pet that can offer hours of entertainment, then consider getting one today!

5. They Are Interesting Animals

While some people might compare a chinchilla to a rodent, they are part of the lagomorph family – which means they are more closely related to rabbits than rats, mice, or other rodents. There are many differences between chinchillas and their fellow rodents. 

For example, while some rodents will live alone for most of their lives and only hang out with one another during mating season or when raising young, chinchillas love living together in groups that we call ‘herds’. Chinchillas can also jump super high and fast and can remain in this position for long periods without ever touching the ground!

6. They’re Highly Sociable And Intelligent Pets 

You’ll enjoy the company of your chinchilla in more ways than one. When you bring your new pet home it’s important to make sure they have a friend to play with, as they are very social animals and love playing with others. For example, a male and female chinchilla can be kept together but you will need to purchase a second cage for them to live in next door to each other if you want them both! However, these two animals will also mate frequently – so only keep the two together if you plan on breeding them or neutering one of them. 


Chinchillas are very intelligent animals that can be trained to do different tricks just by repeating specific tasks over and over again until your chinchilla knows what you want them to do. They can learn how to come when called, play catch with you, run around an obstacle course, and more!

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