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Top 6 Things You Can Add To Your First Ever Freshwater Tank

In recent years, the hobby of keeping freshwater fish has been gaining popularity as an alternative to saltwater. Many people believe that it is easier to keep a freshwater tank as compared to a saltwater tank as it doesn’t require much maintenance and requires much less time to set up. That being said, if you’re setting up your first freshwater tank, there are many things you need to know, from what fish to get, how to choose the equipment, to the basics of successfully keeping your tank running.


Marine tank enthusiasts seem to have a lot of fun adding all sorts of bright and decorative items to their tanks. But if you’re planning on starting your first freshwater aquarium, here are some key pieces that will make for a more successful experience from the get-go.

Dosing Pump

An automated dosing pump is one of the newer products available in the market for freshwater tanks. If you’re planning on keeping small and mid-sized fish, such as guppies or mollies, this product will be your new best friend. Automatic aquarium dosing pumps can be programmed to release regular doses of certain medications and supplements without any help from you every day. This means that if there’s a problem with your water quality and it needs immediate attention, you don’t have to worry about manually adding medication – the dosing pump will take care of everything for you!

Protein Skimmer

A protein skimmer is another useful piece of equipment designed specifically for marine tanks, but it has other very useful applications in freshwater tanks as well. Most people think that a protein skimmer is used exclusively to remove any excess proteins in the water, especially when keeping marine fish. This however is only one of its applications in freshwater tanks; in fact, it can be very useful in removing organic matter in your tank and thus preventing the growth of algae. The only downside would be that you’ll need to clean it often (every two to three weeks) depending on the size of your tank and how much waste is produced over time.

Water Conditioner

Many people don’t know that adding a water conditioner is an extremely important part of setting up any aquarium. It may seem like a small step, but not using one can lead to algae growth and eventually, your tank getting ruined entirely. While many saltwater fishkeeping enthusiasts choose RO (Reverse Osmosis) or deionized (DI) water for their tanks, freshwater fish keepers do not always need to do this. Instead, they can use tap water with the help of a good quality water conditioner which will remove any chlorine or ammonia build-up in your tap water. Another benefit of using a water conditioner is that it protects your fish from any medications and other chemicals in the tap water.

Accurate Thermometer & Hydrometer

Temperature is one of the most important factors when keeping freshwater fish, as they are most comfortable in water that’s between 72° F – 80° F. Due to this reason, it is necessary to have an accurate thermometer with a red-line right at the optimum temperature for your tank. There are several different kinds available online, but if you’re not looking to spend too much money on something fancy, there are many options that will do the trick just fine! Additionally, another useful gadget would be an accurate hydrometer which measures your tank’s water salinity. This can help you determine whether or not the balance of alkalinity and calcium hardness has been disrupted by adding tap water or making changes to your aquarium’s filtering system.

Aquarium Vacuum & Water Testing Kits

Unless you have an immaculate tank, chances are that it will need some maintenance from time to time. This includes a thorough cleaning of gravel and interior surfaces to prevent any problems with your filter or substrate later on. To do this without harming your fish, make sure you get a proper aquarium vacuum which can also be used for removing larger pieces of waste from the bottom of the tank. And finally, keep in mind that you’ll need a reliable water testing kit as well – while some test strips on the market may seem handy, they usually provide inaccurate results and won’t do if you want to make sure everything is going according to plan!

Wood Shavings & Seagrass Mat

Of course, this isn’t something you’ll need right away, but it’s a good idea to have these things ready for when you want to add them to your tank. While seagrass is naturally found in saltwater tanks, it can also be added into freshwater ones as well – and it will do wonders for your fish! It provides a perfect hiding spot where the fish can rest and feel safe from their predators. Seagrass mats are easily available online or at pet stores, and there are many different kinds to choose from. As for wood shavings, they are often used as a natural way of raising the pH level in your aquarium without having to use any extra chemicals. Simply add some cut pieces of driftwood or other kinds of tree bark for an excellent effect.


Setting up your first freshwater aquarium should be easy and fun – all you need to do is follow the advice outlined above. By making sure you have all of the necessary tools for setting it up, you’ll be able to avoid a lot of mistakes and ensure it will be a successful project.

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