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Top 7 Ways to Improve Security Measures at Home


Your home is your safe haven, a place where you can relax and feel secure. But what happens when that security is compromised? Home invasions are a serious problem, and they can happen to anyone, anywhere. That’s why it’s important to take measures to improve the security of your home. Here are seven ways to do just that.

1) Get a security system.

This is one of the best ways to deter burglars and protect your home. A security system will make your home much less appealing to criminals, and it can also alert the authorities if there is a break-in.

Also, be sure to display signs or stickers from your security company. This will further deter burglars, as they will know that your home is protected. As the folks behind Smith Thompson note, many people don’t know what they are signing up for when they get a home monitoring system – so be sure to educate yourself on the various features and benefits of home security systems before making a purchase. Plus, you can find some great deals on home security systems – so there’s no excuse not to have one!

2) Get a dog.

Dogs are not only man’s best friend, but they can also be a great deterrent to criminals. Burglars don’t want to deal with a barking dog, and the mere presence of a dog can be enough to deter them.

If you don’t want a dog, or can’t have one for some reason, there are other options. You can get a security system that includes a “beware of dog” sign, or you can simply put up a sign that says you have a dog. Even if you don’t actually have a dog, burglars will think twice before breaking into your home.

Also, be sure to keep your dog’s toys and food out of sight. This will make it less likely that a burglar will be able to lure your dog away from your home.

3) Keep your doors and windows locked.

This seems like common sense, but many people don’t lock their doors and windows – especially during the day. Burglars are looking for easy targets, and an unlocked door or window is an easy way for them to get into your home.

Be sure to lock all of your doors and windows, even when you’re home. And if you have a garage, be sure to keep the door closed and locked as well.

Additionally, you should install deadbolts on all of your exterior doors. This will make it much more difficult for burglars to break into your home.

4) Install motion-sensor lights.

Burglars don’t like light, and they certainly don’t want to be caught in the act. Motion-sensor lights can be a great way to deter burglars, as they will turn on whenever someone approaches your home. This will not only startle the burglar, but it will also give you time to call the police or take other measures to protect your home.

For example, you can link your motion-sensor lights to your security system, so that the alarm will sound as soon as the light is activated. Or, you can install a camera along with your motion-sensor light, so that you can see who is coming onto your property.

5) Don’t advertise your valuable possessions.

If you have valuable possessions, it’s best to keep them out of sight, even if you have specific types of insurance for them, like diamond ring insurance. Burglars are looking for easy targets, and if they see that you have expensive electronics or jewelry, they may be tempted to break into your home.

Additionally, don’t advertise when you’re going on vacation. If you do, burglars will know that your home is empty, and they’ll be more likely to try to break in. Instead, wait until you’re back from vacation to post about it on social media.

Also, keep in mind that burglars often case homes before they break in. So, if you see someone suspicious lurking around your neighborhood, be sure to call the police.

6) Get to know your neighbors.

This is a great way to improve the security of your home. If you know your neighbors, you can watch out for each other and report suspicious activity. Additionally, your neighbors can keep an eye on your home when you’re away, and they can even collect your mail for you.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your neighbors. If you need help with something, chances are they’ll be happy to assist you.

Additionally, you can join or start a neighborhood watch program. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors and improve the security of your neighborhood. For example, you can keep an eye out for suspicious activity, and you can report any crimes that you see. Similarly, your neighbors can do the same for you.

7)  Know who to call.

If you do have a break-in, or if you witness a crime, it’s important to know who to call. First, you should call the police. They will investigate the crime, and they may be able to catch the culprit.

Additionally, you should call your home insurance company. They will likely send an adjuster to assess the damage, and they will help you file a claim.

If you have a security system, you should also call the monitoring company. They can assist you in resetting the system, and they may even be able to provide additional security for your home.

Securing your home can seem daunting, but there are many things you can do to deter burglars. By following these seven tips, you can make it much more difficult for criminals to break into your home. And if you ever have a problem, be sure to know who to call. The police and your home insurance company are great places to start, and your security system monitoring company may also be able to help. Keep in mind, however, that the best way to deter burglars is to take preventive measures. By following the tips in this article, you can make your home a much less appealing target for criminals.

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