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Top 7 Ways To Take The Stress Out Of Moving Home


If you are going to be moving home, then you might be worried about the amount of stress that it’s going to bring. Unfortunately, you are going to need to accept that stress is a part of a big moment like this, but this doesn’t mean that it needs to consume you. There are certain things that you are going to be able to do, and they will help you to reduce the amount of stress that you encounter when moving home. In this article, we’re going to be talking about some of the top ways that you can do this, so if you’re moving home, or you’re about to start the process, you might want to keep reading.

Hire An Estate Agent To Help

The first thing that we’re going to recommend is that you hire an estate agent to help you find the perfect home, and help you to sell your current one. If you have to wait for your home to sell before you can complete a purchase on another one, then you definitely need to get help to sell yours so that you can get through this process as quickly as possible. These professionals will be able to help you once you have given them your list of requirements of what you want from a new house. Tell them what you want, what the new house must have, and what you’re willing to compromise on. Make sure that you are giving them your budget, but we always recommend giving it a little lower than it actually is, just in case they find one that’s slightly more and you fall in love with it.

You don’t just want to hire the first estate agent that you come across though. You need to look around a little, take a look at the reviews of the company and make sure that you’re choosing the right one for you. It’s important that you do this as fast as possible so that you can get the process started without all of the hassle.

Hire All Other Services In Advance


Another thing that you’re going to need to do is make sure that you hire all of your other services in advance. There are plenty of services that you are going to need to help you get through the moving process, and you’re going to need them at specific times. The earlier that you start booking them, the easier it’s going to be to get the right services when you need them. For example, one of the services that you’re going to need to book is movers. You can look around online to find the movers that you need, ensuring that they offer the specific services that you require. Companies like Olde World Movers will be able to cater to your needs, but just double check all business websites before you hire them to be on the safe side.

You are also going to need the services of a lawyer to get through the legal side of the home move, and then you’re going to need cleaners to come in and clean the property after you have left it. Some companies will allow you to book online, where others are going to require you to get in touch with them. If you find yourself feeling stuck about where your services and hiring them, make a list, and go through it until everything is ticked off.

Start Decluttering Early

We also recommend that you start decluttering early. The earlier that you start getting rid of things from the house, the less stress there’s going to be weighing on your shoulders. You might not want to get started as it’s such a big job, but it’s got to be done, and the only thing that you are doing is delaying the inevitable. To make this seem like less of a job, we recommend that you take it bit by bit. Perhaps you could start at one side of the house, and then work your way through. Take it one room at a time, maybe even one room per day if you’re not feeling it, and you will still be finished long before you need to be.

The general rule that we suggest you follow for decluttering is looking at an item and determining if it has any monetary value, any sentimental value or if it makes you happy. If the answer is no to any of these, then it’s not worth keeping. However, we do understand that sometimes it can be tough to part with the things that we love, which is why we recommend that you hire a storage unit if you’re having trouble saying goodbye to anything. This way, you can keep your items, but you don’t have to have them in the house.

Have A List To Guide You Through


It’s going to be so much easier to get through a home move if you have a list to guide you through. Nobody ever said that moving home was going to be easy, especially seeing as there are so many elements that need to work together. The best thing that we can suggest you do is have a list that will be your guiding light throughout the entire process. This list can be ticked off as you go through, ensuring that you are getting everything done when it needs to be done.

If you make copies of this list, or even make separate lists of what you need different people to do, everyone is going to know what their tasks are. It keeps things organized which is something that you definitely need to keep the stress to a minimum.

Get Your Friends And Family To Help

If your friends and family are available to help, then you need to ask them nicely if they will take the time to help get you through the moving process. Some people are going to be available some days, and others will be available on others, so you’ve just got to do your best when people are free to help. You can plan around this if you get to know in advance, making your life that little bit easier.

Of course, your friends and family are not going to be able to do everything with you which is why you still need to hire the services that we talked about at the beginning of this article. However, they will be able to help you do some things like pack up, and sort through things.

Be Gentle With Yourself


At a time that is so stressful, if you want to avoid stressing yourself out to the max then you have got to be gentle with yourself. You can’t put so much pressure on yourself that you crack as this is never going to be helpful. You’re not going to be any help to yourself if you’re feeling down, and you’re overwhelmed. The best thing that you can do is give yourself regular breaks, ensuring that you are staying calm. This should be the case even if things start to go a bit wrong, as when you get stressed out, this is when everything will collapse.

You need to take a deep breath, take a step away to compose yourself, and when you feel calm, you can start sorting the problems once again. But, you shouldn’t be trying to overdo it at the risk of your health.

Try Not To Rush Yourself

The final thing that we’re going to say is that you should try not to rush yourself. If you start in advance like we said to at the beginning of this article, then there’s going to be no need to rush yourself at all and that is the best way to take the stress out of the moving process. You want to make sure that you are giving yourself enough time to get through everything, without having to spend hours on end doing tasks at the last minute. The closer to moving day that it gets, the easier it becomes to panic that things aren’t going to get finished. But, if you have left yourself time, then this isn’t going to be a problem. You do not need to rush yourself, if the worse comes to the worse, ask someone to come and help.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the things that you can do in order to take the stress out of moving home. It can be a stressful time, and you’re just going to have to accept that there is some level of stress that comes with moving, but it doesn’t have to entirely take over. If you take your time, and if you do the things that we have mentioned above, then there’s no reason that you should become overly stressed at any point during the moving process. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that you will be happy in your new home.

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