Hosting a luxury event for potential or current clients is a huge responsibility. Figuring out all of the logistics might take multiple people that are reliable and detail-oriented. Project management software can be a huge help as it can consolidate communication. You might have to work with various companies for venue rental, catering, graphics, and even the rental of a red carpet.
The benefits of a great event can be professional advancement at a company. Being the point person for an annual event that generates a large amount of revenue through deals signed is important. Event planners can find a niche in terms of industry and can be quite successful. Below will delve into the details to manage when you are the point person for a luxury business event.
The Venue Matters
Finding a venue that has a central location can be important when inviting local clients. A venue that impresses is going to come with a high rental price but this can be worth it. Employee appreciation events are some of the most important as it can be so expensive to replace an employee. Employee retention is synonymous with a quality business that understands how to treat its staff.
Catering might be provided by the venue which is one less detail to worry about. Not all venues will have quality food but even appetizers can be enough for certain events. Most individuals do not want to go to an event and eat around relative strangers as it can be awkward. Options that have vegan/vegetarian options are important but a caterer cannot deal with every fad diet known to man.
Open bars at company events can be a slippery slope so bartenders need to be aware of attendees. Serving a person too much can lead to an embarrassing event which can result in a loyal client taking their business elsewhere. Egos being hurt due to doing something out of character can lead clients to never want to interact with a business again. Catering companies might provide their own bartenders that have quite a bit of experience.
Security at a venue won’t have to be extensive but should be present. You want to be able to quietly remove an attendee if they have had too much to drink. You would be surprised by the behavior of some people at business events after alcohol has been consumed. Certain industries have a number of big personalities that might not get along at an event.
Optimizing Outdoor Space
Hosting an event outdoors is always going to be a huge risk. You need the weather to cooperate but an outdoor space can be dynamic. The right temporary tent structures can be perfect for this type of event. Outdoor space will be far less money to rent or the tents can be set up at the place of business. Outdoor events have a number of advantages but the ultimate risk is the weather. An event that is too hot or cold can also be a huge issue. Take the time to get a venue that has the option to go outside to get some air if needed.
Get Together A List Of Invitees Early
Building a list of emails, addresses, and all other contact information is imperative. The sales pipeline should be analyzed while sending out events. There is going to be a cost per person for the event and sales prospects with zero chance of signing a contract should not be invited. Current clients need to be invited as it can be the perfect opportunity to have staff builds rapport with them. Staff should also write notes on the back of business cards as this can help them remember a detail in a conversation.
Figuring Out Which Employees Can Attend
Inviting employees to an event where deals could be closed needs to be done carefully. You do not want to alienate employees but there might be some that lack social tact. You also do not want to lose out on a client due to an employee being offensive. The sales team or customer service team might be at the top of the list due to the rapport built with clients. Keep in mind that not all employees will be able to attend for one reason or another.
Business events can be stressful to plan even for a veteran event planner. Demands and expectations can be overwhelming if you do not approach the event in an organized manner. Handle the details that are within your control and entrust reliable professionals for the rest.