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Top 10 Ways to Smarten Up Your Public Image

The way you come across to other people can have a significant impact on your self esteem and overall success in life. Presenting yourself in a certain way, acting in a particular manner, and taking care of your body and mental health are all contributing factors to your confidence levels and how others perceive you. Smartening up your public image can work wonders for numerous reasons, so what can you do to make a slight change to various aspects of your life? Whether you’re taking more pride in your home and styling your space, or you’re making a simple upgrade to your car, these are all impactful changes that could help you smarten up your entire image. So, consider some of the following ideas to help you boost your overall public image and you might just find a whole new sense of self confidence when you make these simple and powerful changes.


1. Spruce Up Your Dress Sense

The clothes you wear and how you present yourself instantly showcases your personality to anyone you come into contact with. If you’ve never thought twice about what you wear, now might be the right time to take a step back and reconsider your choice. Taking pride in what you wear isn’t vain or materialistic, it simply shows that you take good care of yourself and have a keen interest in looking presentable. Changing up your style might seem like a complicated task, but you can easily grab inspiration from the people and places around you. Next time you see someone wearing an outfit you love, make a note of the key pieces on your phone and you’ll have some go-to inspiration right at your fingertips.

2. Upgrade Your Car

The car you drive says a lot about you as a person, and can provide you with a certain level of confidence if you make the right choices. Of course, you want to choose a practical vehicle that is going to get you from A to B safely, but have you ever thought about upgrading other aspects of your car to exude a high end image? DVLA Number plates are a brilliant way to give your older car an instant makeover, and make it look more expensive than it actually is. Although image isn’t always the most important factor in life, it can certainly help you when it comes to making first impressions. Adding a personal touch to your vehicle will enhance your car and it will also make you feel a sense of pride whenever you drive too. On a similar note, you could also try getting your car resprayed if the paintwork has started fading over time. A fresh coat of shiny paint will instantly give it a new lease of life with minimal effort from you!

3. Take Pride in Your Home

When someone visits your home, you should feel proud to showcase everything there is to see and it can have an effect on your public image too. Keeping your home tidy and taking an interest in the latest home interior trends will always work in your favor when it comes to enhancing your public persona.

4. Eat Well

If you want to look good and feel great about yourself, you need to carefully consider what is going into your body. Eating well will ultimately give you improved overall physical health and also show that you take pride in your wellbeing. Filling your plate with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins will give you the energy you need to achieve your goals and look incredible whilst doing so.

5. Exercise

Even if you have the cleanest diet in the world, you won’t feel your very best and have the sharpest public image if you don’t take time to exercise and move your body regularly. Exercise also releases endorphins which helps you to feel more positive and confident about everything going on in your life. Whether you’re going on a daily run or attending a super fun kickboxing class, there are so many engaging ways to enjoy exercise.

6. Have a Positive Attitude

Never underestimate the power of a positive mental attitude, as it can get you out of a lot of scenarios. Being positive rather than looking at the glass half empty can help you to appear more vibrant, likable and friendly which is ideal if you’re hoping to impress people at work or in social settings. Although you can’t change your personality type, you can gradually start to veer more towards a positive way of thinking to improve your public profile.

7. Be Career Driven

There is something extremely endearing and attractive about a person who is driven by their career and heavily focused on what they want to achieve in life. Being a career driven person helps you to exude ambition, which is a wonderful quality when you’re looking to smarten up your overall public image.

8. Stay on Top of Skincare

Having glowy and younger looking skin is all doable when you have a winning skincare regime. You don’t have to go overboard with a tonne of expensive products; you simply need a face wash, moisturizer and exfoliator that works well with your skin type and you will feel so much better about yourself.

9. Get Plenty of Sleep

Being tired and cranky with ever growing circles under your eyes is never a good look, but one that some people are wearing without even realizing. You are often told that getting enough sleep at night can dramatically improve so many different aspects of your life, so what can it really do for your public image? As well as helping you look younger, more vibrant and well rested it can also dramatically improve your decision making skills and mood. If you often find yourself in a low mood or feeling short tempered, this may be due to lack of sleep. The way you act when you haven’t had enough sleep can affect your public image in many ways, so it’s always worth prioritizing rest time when you can.

10. Practice Kindness

The way you treat people in private and in public is a clear indicator of your overall public image. Putting kindness first can instantly help more people to trust you, which is great if you’re hoping to build new friendships and relationships. Being kind and honest as a person is also just the right thing to do. Showing compassion and kindness in your everyday life will come back around and acknowledge you again in the near future when the favor is returned. Overall, when you see someone treating another person with kindness it greatly enhances your respect for that person, and who wouldn’t want that?!


When you take time to consider all of these ideas, you will soon start to look, feel and act in a more appealing and attractive way. All of the methods above are not simply to make you look good, but they are also to help you feel your very best too. When you are feeling confident in yourself and good about your public image, everything else in life can fall into place seamlessly. Whether you’re driving a better car or chasing a career you truly love, working on your public image can often bring about more fruitful opportunities for you. With this in mind, think about some of the small changes you can make to certain aspects of your life and you will be surprised how quickly this transforms your public image and overall self confidence.

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