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Top 10 Tips How To Grow Lavender

It is relatively easy to grow lavender regardless of how experienced you are. This fragrant flower can beautify every home’s surroundings and bring an amazing relaxing scent to it. The plant is spreading really fast, almost like a weed. There are many different ways in which we can use Lavender.

One more reason why you should consider including this amazing flower in your garden is the variety of health benefits it can offer.

Here are some helpful tips that will make it even easier for you to grow the plant independently.

1. Choose the right type



There are many different lavender types, so the first task is to find the right one for your home. Many factors can influence the decision of which one to choose. Really important is to consider how much space you actually have. Where there is not a lot of it, a good choice could, for example, be Lavandula angustifolia since it stays 12 to 15 inches tall. You should also take into consideration the climate of the place where you live.

2. Choose the best location



The most important thing is to choose the location where Lavender will get as much sun as possible. The plant thrives better when it receives full sunlight for at least six to eight hours per day. Try also to find a spot where the flower will be sheltered and protected from the wind as much as possible. Lavender also grows quite well in a container. That way can be even easier to grow the plant in the best location you can find around your home.

3. Prepare the soil



The first step of actual planting is the preparation of the soil. It should be slightly alkaline with a pH of around 7.5 and well-drained. Lavender prefers dry conditions above and below ground. Put a shovelful of compost in the planting hole, which should be wide enough just for the roots.

4. Take care of a good drainage



It is advisable to add some builder’s sand to the soil before planting because lavender doesn’t tolerate excessive humidity. A good choice in colder and wetter climates is silica sand which drains well and does not cement. You can also add round stones into the hole.

5. Leave enough space between plants



The flower needs good air circulation. The Lavender plant has a large root system. It is much larger than the actual plant, so be sure to set out plants around 15 inches apart. If you’re planting the lavender in a pot or container, choose a very big one.

6. Watering



This can be a little bit complex because you have to water your lavender enough but at the same time not too much. Allow the soil to dry before watering again, and be sure not to over-water the plant otherwise;, you can destroy the roots. However, keep them regularly watered during their first growing season. According to some experts, every week to two weeks would be perfect for the first two years.

7. Harvesting



Proper harvesting is very important to get the most out of your lavender plant. The best time to harvest fresh lavender is when the plant is at its peak for scent and color. That is when the bottom flowers of each stem start opening. Cut the plant at the base of the stems near the foliage

8. Drying



When all of the blooms on the lavender plant, or at least most of them have already opened, it is too late to harvest for herbal purposes. That is the best time to dry the plants. To do it correctly, bundle around a hundred flowers together and make sure to hang them upside down in a warm, shady, and dry area and leave them there for about two weeks.

9. Usage



You can use fresh lavender flowers similar to dried ones, especially if using plants for culinary purposes. Dried flowers can be bundled together into a small bouquet and used as a decoration or repellent against some annoying insects. The scent will help you to relax or fall asleep if you put it near your pillow. You can also fill small fabric bags and use them as protection against clothing moths.

10. Maintenance



To prevent weeds from growing around lavender plants, you can cover the soil around the flowers with a thin mulch layer. This can also help to protect the roots from winter frosts. You can use gravel, coarse sand, shells, etc. but avoid using wood mulch, which will hold moisture. This can cause plant roots to rot. It is highly recommended to fertilize the soil once a year, preferably in early spring.

3 thoughts on “Top 10 Tips How To Grow Lavender”

  1. Plant it outside. They are perennials and will make it through the winter. I have had one in the house for a year and just planted it in the ground and it’s flourishing like crazy with beautiful lavender buds now


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