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Top 4 Items To Include In Your Eco-friendly Self-care Routine

Self-care is an integral part of staying healthy and keeping your stress levels. But it’s not just about eating well and getting enough exercise. It’s also about taking care of yourself emotionally and environmentally. One way to do this is to create an eco-friendly self-care routine. This can involve using natural and sustainable products, recycling and composting, and reducing your overall consumption. Here are four items you can include in your eco-friendly self-care routine:


1. Reusable Make-Up Remover Pads

Cotton pads are one of the biggest offenders of single-use plastics. But there is now makeup remover reusable pads made from sustainable materials like reusable cotton laundry bags. These can be used repeatedly, and they’re gentle on your skin. There are also several different ways to make your own reusable make-up remover pads. If you’re feeling crafty, you can sew them yourself using some old fabric. Or you can cut up an old t-shirt into small squares. Whichever route you choose, reusable make-up remover pads are a great way to reduce your plastic consumption.

2. Reusable Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is crucial for your health, but it can also be harmful to the environment if you’re constantly buying disposable water bottles. Invest in a reusable water bottle that you can take with you. There are plenty of stylish and sustainable options available. If you don’t like the taste of tap water, there are also filtered water bottles that will purify the water for you. This is better for the environment, but it can also save you money in the long run. And if you’re looking to reduce your plastic consumption, reusable straws are now made from materials like bamboo and stainless steel.

3. Natural Soap

Most store-bought soaps are full of harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances. But there are now several natural soap brands that use sustainable ingredients and packaging. These soaps are gentle on your skin and better for the environment. When looking for natural soap, look for brands that use sustainable palm oil and packaging. And make sure to avoid soaps that contain microbeads, which are harmful to marine life. There are also several ways you can make your natural soap at home. This can be a great way to save money and reduce your plastic consumption.


4. Sustainable Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is one of the essential tools in your self-care routine. But did you know that most toothbrushes are made from plastic? And that they can take hundreds of years to decompose? There are now sustainable toothbrushes made from materials like bamboo and recycled plastic. These toothbrushes are just as effective as their plastic counterparts, but they’re much better for the environment.

When choosing a sustainable toothbrush, look for one that has bamboo bristles and a recycled plastic handle. And make sure to recycle your old toothbrush when you’re done with it.

There are several other items you can include in your eco-friendly self-care routine. But these are six of the most important. By making just a few small changes, you can make a big difference for your health and the environment. So ditch the disposable products and switch to sustainable alternatives. Your skin, wallet, and the planet will thank you for it.

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