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Top 6 Last-Minute Surprises to Avoid in the Airport

When traveling through an airport, a quick way to ruin your day is by forgetting something. That’s why you should always be sure to prepare for any eventuality before leaving the house.

However, there are some items that you might not think about taking with you until it’s too late, and boy, do they ever cause a headache when forgotten.

Of course, trying to avoid every last thing that might go wrong is impossible, but here are some of the most common last-minute surprises to avoid in the airport.


You Forgot Your Passport

It’s the second most important thing you need to consider when going through airport security, and without it, you won’t be boarding a plane. Make sure to pack it in advance or take care of it at least a day before leaving home.

If you forget your password while at Park and Fly Toronto airport, you may have to go back for it and miss your flight. It will be a terrible start to your trip.

You Are Not Carrying Enough Cash

While this might not be an issue in some cases, you can never know if the ATMs will go offline or the credit card machines will malfunction. Some airports still accept cash, but it’s best to have both on hand. If everything goes fine, you can take out extra currency at the destination. If it doesn’t, you’ll be able to buy something for dinner without having to worry about clearing your balance after.

You Are Short on Packing Space

The last few days before a trip, there is always that moment where you panic and think to yourself, “I have nothing left to wear.” It might not be that big of a deal if you are traveling for leisure.

Packing for a few days trip is a critical skill for proper travel. If your flight was to go on a business trip, though, it’s best to pack an extra shirt or two just in case the airline loses your luggage. You don’t want your bag flying open because it is packed tightly.

You Forgot Your Laptop or Tablet

You might feel like not traveling with any electronics because it will be less hassle to board the plane.

However, there are some cases where you need to take them out at security and put them back in your bag afterward, especially if you bought an unpopular MacBook Pro that requires TSA approval before you can take it out.

You Don’t Have Travel Insurance

If your flight goes out of the country, you will want insurance to cover medical expenses if something happens. There are many reasons why you should get travel medical insurance.

It can also save you money if an airline loses your luggage or cancels your flight without telling you beforehand. For Canadians, several companies offer travel insurance for when things go wrong when traveling through Canada and abroad.

You Are Not Carrying Any Snacks

Lack of snacks usually happens if you are traveling by plane. These days, it’s no longer an option to bring your food because of how tight security has gotten.

It might have been expected ten years ago, but today passengers are only allowed their drinks on board. You can still use water bottles after they’ve been screened, but they won’t let you take any liquids within a specific size past security.

As you can see, many things can go wrong during airport trips. While everything runs smoothly, there is always a chance for problems to occur most of the time. 

It’s best to take steps beforehand to ensure these mishaps don’t happen when you are rushing through the airport on your way back home.

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