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Top 10 Homemade Debloating Drinks

We all know that slimming down and losing weight in a short period of time is almost impossible! It surely takes time and dedication, so looking slimmer for the next important occasion can be a real challenge, especially if the event will happen very soon. But don’t be disappointed, you still have some chances to have a flatter belly in an easy way. Yes, you’ve heard me well!

Here is a collection of 10 homemade drinks that’ll help you to feel less bloated and puffy. By drinking them we promise that you’ll feel lighter and you’ll detox your organism as soon as possible. These ideas are miraculous!

Raspberries and Cucumber Detox Water



We’re starting the countdown with an idea that’s very easy to make but will give you powerful results in just a day. This refreshing detox water is made from raspberries, cucumber, grapefruit, pears and fresh mint, but if you want you can add some additional ingredients such as lemons, limes, cranberries, or maybe blueberries?! Everything depends on your choice!

Debloating Juice



The second suggestion here is a pure mix of dandelion, water, and cranberry juice. All of them are perfectly combined and are creating a real perfection. It’s totally vegan juice which will make your abdominal area flatter and thinner very fast!

De-Bloat Smoothie with Spinach, Mint and Pineapple



Who is for a cup of green smoothie that has the power to make your tummy flat?! Anyone?! This homemade mixture of spinach, mint, and pineapple is just the right thing for the post-Easter detox!

Green Debloating Smoothie



One more green idea on our list, but what can we do when this type of smoothie is all you need when you feel puffy!? Try and make the mix of banana, spinach, strawberries, and frozen pineapple, because it’ll surely convince you that green smoothie has never tasted better! Go green!

Hot Water and Lemon



Are you bored of drinking the same old drink called water? We know you’re! So squeeze one lemon in a cup of boiled water and wake up your digestive system in the right way. For a better taste and effects, you can switch water with green tea!

Pink Power Smoothie



We’re continuing with a recipe for a Pink Power Smoothie. By making it you’ll enjoy the mixed flavors of chamomile, strawberries, pineapple, vanilla yogurt, and honey. Try to include this suggestion in your morning routine for one week and enjoy the proven results soon!

Cucumber, Kale and Green Apple Juice



Cucumber, Kale, and Green Apple Juice is a special suggestion for all those days when you feel bloated and without energy. It’s an uncomplicated recipe that can be made in just a couple of minutes. Don’t think twice, just give it a try and we’re sure that you’ll want to make it more often!

Ginger Tea



Did you know that ginger tea is a real deal when you feel bloated?! We assure you of that, because ginger is a remedy that can clear up congestion. You can also use it to soothe an upset tummy!

Flat-Belly Smoothie Recipe



Make a mix of kale, berries, and Greek yogurt which will flatten your belly and reduce bloating. It’s a great suggestion for a fresh start of the day because it will keep you energized longer!

Tropical Green Monster Debloating Smoothie



There is no better end for a list of debloating drinks than with a green monster smoothie which is vegetarian and gluten-free at the same time. All you need are just a few ingredients and 8 minutes for preparation! It’s creamy, thick, and naturally sweet!

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