The colors of the peacock feather are magical and so inspirational. There are endless possibilities to use the peacock feathers or make some inspired looks like makeup, nail art, hair color. It has been a tough choice, but we have selected the top 10 inspirational looks and DIY projects just for you!
Nature has made its art with the colors and shapes of the peacock feathers, and ours is to use that gift the best we can. Enjoy our choice, get some feathers, and get busy with these super fun and inspiring do it yourself projects!
Vivid Peacock Makeup Look
Create this vivid makeup inspired by the peacock feather colors; you will need light blue, navy, a little yellow eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara.
DIY Earrings
You can make fabulous DIY earrings easily with only beads, scissors, crimps, earring hooks, and feathers. There is no significant effort, and the result is dazzling.
DIY Mirror Decoration
Decorate your wall mirror with peacock feathers, glue them on the back of the mirror and then attach it to its usual place. From one boring mirror, you can get this unusual and beautiful wall decoration.
DIY Hairclip
Attach three feathers on a leather cord and then the leather cords on one clip. And there you have this unique hair accessory.
Peacock Hairstyle
This peacock inspired bob looks amazing, but you can wear it on every hairstyle you have, no matter if you have long or short hair if you are looking for something refreshing and bold for your hair – this is it!
Shoe Clips
If you want to give life to your ordinary shoes, make these simple clips with two peacock feathers. The photo’s suggestion is to put them on the front of the shoe, but if you think they will look better in some other place – it is all up to you!
Smokey Peacock Makeup
This is a little more daring makeup look that you can wear for a night out; spice up your smokey eyes with this idea. Put blue eyeliner on the lower lash line and spice it up with blue mascara. The upper lash line consists of yellow shimmery shadow, a little green in the middle, and black on the outer corner. Finish the look with mascara or false lashes.
DIY Necklace
A fancy DIY necklace that you can wear on every occasion.
Peacock Nail Art
This nail art is wonderful, the color chosen for this look is turquoise, but you can choose the one you like the most. With a thin brush and black nail polish, draw one line in the middle and little lines from the sides. Decorate with gold shimmer, and for the peacock, the mark uses the same turquoise color and a darker blue for the last dot.
DIY Phone Case Decoration
These days everybody is wearing a phone case, but if you want to be a little different from the others, this is the thing for you. No effort at all, but by putting a real peacock feather in your transparent phone case, you will get this amazing look.