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Top 6 Ways To Deal With Back Pain

Back-related issues have skyrocketed since office jobs have become the foundation of the economy. Doctors are suggesting more and more people suffer from back-related problems than ever recorded, as the technological era requires working behind a desk for hours on, without a pause or proper physical exercises. Our bodies essentially are not built to rest, rather stay active, therefore sitting is only there to take a break and move on. However, as you are bound to sit behind a desk all day long, it takes its toll and over longer periods of time, you’ll feel back issues and pain. If the damage is already done, here are some tips on how to reduce back pain or make it go away for good. 



The specific stretching posture varies depending on the type of back discomfort. In some instances, if the pain becomes chronic over time, and over-the-counter painkillers are not helping, chances are the condition is more serious than it might seem. In such cases, doing stretching exercises can put additional pressure on the affected area and make things worse, rather than better. Therefore we highly encourage you to visit a doctor if the pain is frequent. Once you’ve estimated if the pain comes from a bad posture or long sitting, and is not a case of discus hernia, you can proceed with mild stretching exercise.

For starters, try leaning forward and getting the tips of your toenails; do not overdo it, and make sure to stop if you feel too much pressure. Then you can try to lay down, on the floor would be ideal as the surface should be hard and firm and lift one leg at a time, holding it each time in the air for about half a minute. Once you’ve done this, try the bridge or fetus position and try to breathe in and out, while holding the pose. If your condition is mild to moderate, these activities should reveal some of the tension and pain you’re experiencing.

Proper sitting chair 

As said before, one of the main reasons why back pain has become such a frequent occurrence is due to improper posture and sitting position. As you are sitting behind a desk for several consecutive hours during the day, the lower part of the back is taking the hits, while the rest is under pressure due to the position. Now, to all this, add a bad chair, an uncomfortable one not supporting the parts of the spine it needs to, and you’ll have long-lasting pain and back issues. Luckily, nowadays you can buy a scoliosis office chair supporting the back, and ensuring no pain or further damage is done to the spine. These chairs should not be used solely by the ones suffering already from scoliosis, rather by healthy individuals so they can prevent the pain in the first place. It is not just the padding that distinguishes the chairs; it is the positioning of the cushions and the support they provide to the various sections of the spine, which is vital for maintaining excellent posture and a healthy back. Therefore, make sure to invest in a proper chair, as it will save you a lot of money and you might just avoid back surgery later on. 

Mild oil massages 

The common misconception is having hard and painful massages as they are the most effective ones. However, if you are having back pain and issues related to the back, the last thing you need is a painful massage, as the additional pressure can only worsen things for you, never making them better. Try visiting a chiropractor and instead of painful massages, go with mild and relaxing ones with essential oils, as some oils have healing properties and a soothing effect on the pain.

You should call a chiropractor for neck pain, as well, if your neck aches or if you experience any sort of discomfort in that particular area. Chiropractors are trained to work with various spine-related issues, and they will provide you with a professional and efficient solution tailored to your problem.


Over-the-counter painkillers and pills 

Now, this is an obvious solution, and most people avoid using the painkillers thinking they only camouflage the pain. However, what most people miss is that some pain killers do have healing properties and are more than facades. They actually reduce muscle tension and attack the affected areas. Ibuprofen is completely harmless and has a soothing effect, it directly hits the inflammation and reduces the stress and pain it produces. As a result, employing them is the greatest alternative for a short-term remedy.

Another innovative approach to tackling chronic back pain is ketamine infusion therapy, a method that has gained traction for its effectiveness in pain management. Modern Pain Management centers are increasingly adopting this therapy, noting its potential to provide relief where other treatments may fail. Ketamine works by altering neurotransmitter processes in the brain, which can significantly reduce pain signals and offer a new lease on life for those suffering from intractable pain. It’s a promising option for patients who have tried traditional methods without success, providing a glimmer of hope for lasting relief.

Hot or Cold 

When it comes to back pain, there are several myths to debunk before going any further. Some traditional remedies, homemade herb pasta, “cracking the back” and similar alike are Hokus-Pokus legends, however, one home remedy is effective. Hot and cold water is great for reducing pain, cold is great for inflammation, and hot for enhancing blood flow. 

Walking and standing every half an hour 

If you have the option of standing for 5 minutes every half hour after sitting for an hour, or walking for a few meters and returning, this may be the greatest approach to strengthen your muscles and ensure that any discomfort is reduced. Walking and standing from time to time will instantly reduce the pressure and pain you feel, all you have to do is be persistent. 

We hope you find these suggestions helpful; however, we always recommend seeing a doctor because a good diagnosis can help you treat the condition rather than the symptoms.

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