How Can You Combine Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility for Optimal Fitness?

How Can You Combine Cardio, Strength, and Flexibility for Optimal Fitness?

Those seeking a powerful combination of achieving remarkable fitness results and blending cardiovascular exercises know that it is necessary to keep pace with a program that helps you strengthen your body while at the same time giving it a flexible form. When aiming to elevate one’s fitness regimen, a versatile approach such as this not … Read more

A Mindfulness Guide for Beginners: Where and How to Meditate

Stones stacked up.

Meditation has been around for centuries and is an important part of many different religious traditions. It is a practice that helps to quiet the mind, allowing us to focus on our innermost thoughts and feelings without external distractions. With regular practice, meditation can lead to greater clarity, creativity, and mindfulness in our lives. In … Read more

Top 10 Yoga Poses For Neck Pain and Spondylosis

I’m not a blogger, I’m not a journalist, I just want something to share about how Yoga changed my life. Letter from a reader sharing how Yoga changed his life and which yoga poses for Neck pain and Spondylosis are the reasons for that. I was born in 1988, among the first computer/technology/internet/gaming obsessed generation, … Read more

Top 10 Yoga Poses For Period Pain and PMS

Every woman is different, and everyone handles pain differently. We will experience certain symptoms during our monthly cycles, and these symptoms can vary depending on age and stage of life. Because our hormones control the menstrual cycle, our bodies go through many changes during the cycle phases. Some of them are physical such as bloating, pain in … Read more

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Improve Digestion

According to Ayurveda, which is one of the world’s oldest science, dating back to 3000 BC, a healthy digestive system is crucial to our well-being. Symptoms such as constipation, indigestion, cramping, or bloating are not only uncomfortable but also in the long-term, we can develop very serious health problems. Most of the diseases are caused by inefficient … Read more

Top 10 Yoga Poses For Back Pain & Yoga for Scoliosis

Practice the following yoga poses for scoliosis and back pain. It takes less than 20 minutes, and you will see how it improves your overall well-being. Our article Yoga Poses for Scoliosis and Back pain is written by a guest author who was suffering from Spondylosis & Scoliosis. Since he started practicing yoga a few years ago, … Read more

Top 10 Benefits of Yoga

If you are still looking for something that will change your life and body and will make you feel peaceful and healthy, then yoga is absolutely the right choice. Whether you are 15 or 55, yoga can help you and prepare your mind and body for long-term health. From weight loss and beautiful skin to … Read more

Top 10 Yoga and Meditation Retreats in the US

TOP 10 Yoga and Meditation Retreats in the US | Top Inspired

In our rushing world every year more and more people seek yoga and meditation getaways. A holiday is always relaxing, but if you would like to try something different, something deeper, this is another sort of journey that will leave you with more than just nice photographs and memories. Retreat is a great way to … Read more